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Social Change Hub

Social Change Hub


Reducing rates of school exclusion: benefits and potential challenges



This workshop is part of Sussex Social Change Hub 2025 CPD program. School exclusion rates in England continue to be a cause for concern, in part because it is the most educationally and/or socially vulnerable children and young people who tend to be sanctioned. This session will provide an opportunity to explore why there has been a shift in favour of more restorative and trauma-informed approaches and to discuss some examples and resources.


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Social change hub

Adolescents and neuroscience



This workshop is part of Sussex Social Change Hub 2025 CPD program. This 3-hour workshop will offer participants the opportunity to learn about the most recent developments in neuroscience related to the developing adolescent brain and how this knowledge can equip professionals to work more effectively with young people facing a range of risks and harm.


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Social change hub

An introduction to somatic awareness and whole person health



This workshop is part of Sussex Social Change Hub 2025 CPD program. This workshop will introduce theory and practice for body-breath-mind awareness and communication skills for professionals interested in integrating these concepts into their practice.


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Social change hub

Managing Anxiety in Supervision



This workshop is part of Sussex Social Change Hub 2025 CPD program. In this workshop, we will draw on the presenter’s research to explore the impact that uncontained anxiety can have on social work supervision, how this can impede a focus on children and families wellbeing, and how this anxiety might be contained.


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Social change hub

New approaches for thinking about children’s mental health



This workshop is part of Sussex Social Change Hub 2025 CPD program. In this workshop, we will draw on the presenter’s research to explore the impact that uncontained anxiety can have on social work supervision, how this can impede a focus on children and families wellbeing, and how this anxiety might be contained.


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Social change hub

Paws and Reflect: Navigating the Impact of Pet Loss in Social Work



This workshop is part of Sussex Social Change Hub 2025 CPD program. This session will explore the significance of the human-animal bond in the context of pet loss and its implications for social work practice.


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