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Spanish Level 2 - Elementary (2JSG)

West Pier Autumn

Amount (£)


Spanish Language and Culture, Level 2 - Elementary.

Tutor: Rafael Argenton
Date and time: Mondays 6:30 - 8:00pm
From: Monday 30th September 2024

20 weekly meetings, 1.5 hours each

Price £300 (£290 concessions*)

*If you are a full-time student, staff or alumni at the University of Sussex or not in full-time employment (benefits, unemployed, retired) or an NHS worker you are entitled to the £290 concession rate. Please make sure you specify this by typing the reduced price into the 'price' box before you add the course to your shopping basket.


Detailed Description

A course for those moving on from a beginners' course, for those whose knowledge is rusty or those who may not feel confident to go forward to an intermediate course.  The emphasis is on speaking and understanding, but grammatical structures will be learned and some reading and writing skills will be developed.  A course book is sometimes used to allow you to work on your own and to form a framework for your learning.  The course aims to give those moving on from a beginners' class more confidence to deal with everyday situations.  You will be encouraged to work out your own strategy for learning and, within the framework of the syllabus, learn to use language structures and functions to suit your own needs - for example, very basic business/academic language.

Everyday situations to be developed include: Personal information - family/social arrangements • Directions - time/numbers • Travel/transport • food and drink/ buying and selling • Accommodation - hotel/lodgings/business • Holidays and leisure.

Grammar and functions revised are: gender • case • articles • partitives • present tense of common regular/irregular verbs • negatives • questions • descriptions • adjectives • personal pronouns • polite/familiar forms • prepositions • possessives • idea of future • one main past tense • time phrases/quantities.

New grammar and functions include: comparative/superlative forms • adverbs • future forms • other past tenses • idea of subjunctive.

You will be given an insight into the culture and history of the country within the framework of your language studies.  There will be opportunities to study cultural aspects of the language and pursue personal interests linked to the language.

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