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Japanese Level 4 - Upper Intermediate (2JJD)

West Pier Autumn

Amount (£)


Japanese Language and Culture, Level 4 - Upper Intermediate

Tutor: Motoko Okina
Date and time: Thursdays 7:15 - 8:30pm
From: Thursday 3rd October 2024

24 weekly meetings, 1 hour 15 minutes each

Price £300 (£290 concessions*)

*If you are a full-time student, staff or alumni at the University of Sussex or not in full-time employment (benefits, unemployed, retired or NHS) you are entitled to the £290 concession rate. Please make sure you specify this by typing the reduced price into the 'price' box before you add the course to your shopping basket.


Detailed Description

A course for those who have completed an intermediate level 3 class and who feel reasonably at home with spoken Japanese and the written forms hiragana, katakana and basic kanji. You will probably have completed at least three years of part-time study.

The upper intermediate class aims to build upon students’ knowledge of language structures and functions to encourage learners to express themselves more freely in everyday situations.  They are encouraged to develop their own learning strategies towards developing language structures and functions for self-perceived needs and interests; but within the framework of the syllabus.  In addition to revision and consolidation of topics of earlier courses, this syllabus expands into new considerations.  You will be encouraged to learn the Japanese scripts of hiragana, katakana and kanji.


Pair work  ·  Individual work  ·  Group discussions  ·  Role plays  ·  Presentations  ·  Audio/ video materials

Topic areas:

There will be more work on everyday situations and also -
Japan Today  ·  Work and Leisure  · Travel  · Cultural aspects

Grammar and functions:

More advanced adjectival forms  · Strategies for reading and writing   ·  Expressing opinions  ·  Tenses (dictionary forms, past perfect)

You will be given an insight into the culture and history of the country within the framework of your language studies. You will have the opportunity to pursue your own personal research into a topic of cultural interest which contains some analysis or debate.

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