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German Level 4/5 - Post-intermediate/Advanced (2JGC)

West Pier Autumn

Amount (£)


German Language and Culture, Level 4/5 - Post-Intermediate/Advanced.

Tutor: Brigitte Diplock
Date and time: Tuesdays, 1:00 - 2:30pm
From: Tuesday 1st October 2024

20 weekly meetings, 1.5 hours each

Price £300 (£290 concessions*)

*If you are a full-time student, staff or alumni at the University of Sussex or not in full-time employment (benefits, unemployed, retired) or an NHS worker you are entitled to the £290 concession rate. Please make sure you specify this by typing the reduced price into the 'price' box before you add the course to your shopping basket.


Detailed Description

This is a mixed-level course for those who have an intermediate level but are not quite ready for the expert course or those who have a good grasp of basic functions and structures, and a reasonably competent command of everyday situations in the language. You will acquire the skills to deal more confidently with given topic areas and to express opinions.  The emphasis is on speaking and understanding, but new grammatical structures will be learned and reading and writing skills will be further developed. 

This course aims to revise and consolidate structures learned at intermediate level, to broaden vocabulary and give you added confidence in the language. You will be encouraged to work out your own strategies for learning and, within the framework of the syllabus, develop language structures and functions for your own perceived needs and interests.  The syllabus contains the following topics and language structures:  

There will be a strong cultural element in this course which will explore the literature, song, art, history, geography and institutions of the country.

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