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French Level 5 - Advanced (2JFK)

West Pier Autumn

Amount (£)


French Language and Culture, Level 5 - Advanced.

Tutor: Bertrand Glineur
Date and time: Thursdays, 1.00-2.30pm
From: Thursday 3rd October 2024

20 weekly meetings, 1.5 hours each
Price £300 (£290 concessions*)

*If you are a full-time student, staff or alumni at the University of Sussex or not in full-time employment (benefits, unemployed, retired) or an NHS worker you are entitled to the £290 concession rate. Please make sure you specify this by typing the reduced price into the 'price' box before you add the course to your shopping basket.


Detailed Description

A course for those who want to maintain and develop their already advanced standard of French and are confident and experienced learners.  The language element will include listening, speaking, reading and writing skills developed through the study of authentic materials.  Practical advice on grammar will be integrated as appropriate.  You will be encouraged to study language for your own specific needs.

This is a learner-centered course, drawing on the experience and knowledge of class members as well as topics from literature and the media to stimulate discussion, debate and analysis.  There is an opportunity for preparation, presentation and discussion of individually prepared/ chosen topics.

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