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Girls Takeover Body Image Pyschology Talk - Monday 25th November (11.30am-12.30pm)

Holi Run



Gym girlies, Pilates princesses and hot girl walks: How cultural messages shape our experiences of exercise and our bodies (A talk by Psychology lecturer Megan Hurst).

Mega is a social psychologist, interested in how cultural values and pressures influence individuals' feelings about themselves, their wellbeing, and their behaviours – and vice versa. She has a particular interest in...
- relationships between health behaviours (esp. sport/exercise/PA) and body image/disordered eating
- the influence of the media (incl. social media) on body image and eating behaviours
- inequalities in body image and wellbeing (including those associated with SES, LGBT+, ethnicity)
- human values and wellbeing (incl. environmental wellbeing)

Arts 1, room A103

Price £2


Detailed Description

Join us, and Social Psychologist Megan Hurst, for this talk as part of our Girls Takeover week.

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